Saturday, August 18, 2018

Signposting Milestones

Signposting Milestones
Now we can look at the main Milestones that we need to
take in order to achieve our Objective.
Carrying on with the example of getting a job as an Engineer,
there are certain major steps we need to take in order to realise
this goal. For instance, the most obvious Milestone we need to
reach is to complete an Engineering degree.
As you can see, we are progressively breaking our goals
down into smaller, more manageable pieces.
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7. Setting Tasks
Next we need to break these Milestones down into specific
Tasks. These are great because you can effectively set yourself
a Task and then check it off your list. It is so easy to check your
To use another example; our Objective this time is to ‘make
$1 million from the stock market in 3 months, from an initial
investment of $10 000, by investing in stock options,’ notice this
is a S.M.A.R.T. goal.
Then let’s make our first Milestone to ‘learn how to invest in
the stock market,’ we could then proceed to break this down
into smaller Tasks.
Our first Task could then be ‘read Options Trading by Joe
Bloggs by 02 Mar 07, one chapter a night,’ notice this is also a
S.M.A.R.T. goal.
We would then of course write this up on a checklist, in our
Daily Planner or on a wall etc. And check it off when done.

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